Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Enya - Amid The Falling Snow

beautiful snow....beautiful song.


it's tuesday and we have another "weather alert"!  sometimes we prepare and we have no snow....just like last weekend.  again, the weather people are sending out the alerts...."weather! weather! weather" here comes weather!"

yes, we have weather alot.  we never know what it will be, whether we have weather people with complex and computerized maps or not.  my mom used to be more accurate with the weather when she based her prediction on her arthritis aches. i'd trust her before i'd trust a weather report.

i can "feel" the  weather too!  i can just base it on current events....in my life!  last weekend, i was prepared and hopeful.....biff, the kids and i were all home and ready for a cozy weekend....and ....nothing. zero...zip...nada...zilch.  a bit of a disappointment, but that's weather.  we have weather all of the time.

today, i'm assuming the weather will change....snow will come as predicted....when it's ready to snow.  i'm waiting.  i believe in the snow.  i have a feeling that snow is coming.  my weather advisory is due to my own personal dopler weather system. some call it the murphy effect. some call it timing.

this morning, biff has gone to the airport.  he will be spending the night in canada.  he will be there with some others from his company.  i would love to be there with him. i'd love to go to canada.  i haven't been there for years.  last year, when we visited niagara falls, i could see canada.....i could almost touch canada. timing.

i'm not at the airport.  i'm in my family room. biff left at 4:30 this morning and gave me a wake up call....not from the front desk...from the car....just backup for my morning wake up.  i'll gladly take that call...to be sure i have the kids out to school on time. i'll take a wake up call any day. time.

i know the snow is imminent solely based on the fact that my husband is supposed to return tomorrow night. his flight is due to arrive at laguardia airport in new york after 9p.m.  this is a relatively short business trip that i'm sure will have a long story at a later date.  timing.

my kids are at school. the dogs have been walked.  i'll be out and about within the hour. our kids will be on the ski bus after school, the last one for the season. tomorrow, snow is predicted.  i'm expecting weather anyway. it's still winter even though the days are longer.... it's time for more snow. it's time.

biff will be in canada.  he's due home tomorrow, wednesday.  the kids have school.  teachers are already talking about the snow and the possibility of a snow day.  moms are talking about a snow day. television news stories continue talking about a snow day...inches and inches....soon...time will tell.

a snow day means different things to different people.  to the kids, it's a day to miss school.  to the teachers, it's a break from the kids....time at home.  for some moms, it's a tangled web....trying to sort out day care situations because they still have to make it to work...no excuses.  other moms are panicked because it cuts into their plans. some moms are even happy to have the day to lay low at home while the rest of the world has been forced to stop....just stop.  have a day.  a day.  one day to just stop the busy-ness.....slow down.....breathe.....have a little quiet.....and wait.....until the world spools up into a whirlwind again.

i fall into the category of mom that has to have my day and my plans cancelled......and the mom who is happy to have the world just stop....s-t-o-p.  ahhhh....i can take a breath.

i'm just a mom.  i just do my best everyday.  things happen...... everyday.......somehow....they just do.  some things are out of my control and some things spiral out of control without me realizing it until it's too late.....or within minutes of being too late. timing.

like today.  early wake up call from biff.  let kids sleep a bit later.  drive them to school with time to spare.  back home. walk the dogs in the woods. feed dogs. telephone a friend.  drive to an appointment. stop at my favorite farm...to enjoy the abundance...the natural beauty....farm land...farm animals....and coffee....who could ask for more?  in the middle of a busy day. after coffee,  pick up t.j.'s snowboard and gear...get his socks out of the dryer...take a phone call.....put the dogs in the car....meet a friend at the beach to walk with our dogs.....get in car....take 2 calls from t.j. about snowboard gear...assure t.j. that i'm en route to ski bus at school......drive to school to pick up grace....talk to grace's teacher....drive to t.j's school with gear....t.j waiting outside of bus....all of the buses are full with kids and chaperones ready to roll.....i jump out of the car....open the rear....with t.j. there to help....time is of the essence....and.....NO snowboard gear...only snowboard. is there time?

stand with t.j., a very frustrated, aggravated, disappointed t.j......talk to  a father....a chaperone...take suggestion....hurry home with grace...drive up driveway....see ALL of t.j.'s snowboard gear on driveway....pick up gear.....drive to the other school.....deliver gear....give money for t.j.'s snack to a mom...a chaperone.....drive with grace and dogs to have a bite to eat.  go to library...pay library debt which will build a new wing.....check out some d.v.d's to enjoy on the snow day.... drive home with grace and dogs.....grace wants to use computer....remind grace that she has no phone or computer as consequence for behavior on sunday......go into house.....melt into couch.....check e-mails, e-bay and littlemarymixup.....here i am. me time.

and then it's time to feed the dogs....t.j. calls to ask where i put his snack money....it's time to boil water....grace will have pasta....white pasta....with butter....and milk....oops....i have to go buy milk.....and bread....and eggs.....isn't that a mandatory shopping list for a nor'easter?....then it's time to pick up t.j. from the ski bus at school....then back home.....heat up some dinner for t.j......melt into couch...get comfy....dogs will look at me....cats will meow....they will need food...dogs will need to go out....cats will need to go out...melt into couch....cats will need to come in....melt into couch....kids will go to sleep....melt into couch....pick myself up....drag myself upstairs...flop into bed...cover up....sleep for some time.

wake up.....to weather....called nor'easter....weather people will talk about dopler system...news people will talk about weather...kids will talk about weather....i will talk about weather...we will turn on local television station...the television will note school closing....due to weather....timing.

the world will stop...there will be quiet....time to stay home....time to stay put....time to sit...time to recharge batteries...time to listen...time to start or finish a project....time to talk....time for family. just some time. just in time.

how do i "know" there will be snow?  in blizzard glory? i know because biff is due back during the blizzard....weather....timing.

Manic Monday Acoustic

not so manic on monday....