Monday, May 16, 2011

More Laundry

just when I thought I was safe.after 7,658 loads of laundry between taking out 214 bags of trash for the garbage collector, scrubbing bathrooms and attempting to look like a glamorous, put together stylin' wife/mom and dog walker (glamormama)....I heard footsteps coming downstairs long after our Good night and God Bless You's were through...maybe 10:30p.m.? It was T.J. He called, mid-staircase, "Mom, did my khakis get washed? I have to wear them tomorrow."

O.k. Practically the only thing unwashed? The khakis. I probably didn't need to tell you that...if you're a mom!

A Yogi Berra ain't over til it's over and it's not over yet! I'm going to bed. It's after midnight. I put the khakis in tbe wash. First, I moved the load in the washer to the dryer. I poured in my Tide with bleach and closed the lid. I pushed the power button and went on my way.

About an hour later, I went to switch the laundry to the dryer.......Horror! Ahhh thr agony! Apparently, in my enthusiastic attempt to do yet another load of laundry, I must have skipped off after pushing "power" but not the "start" button. The khakisare on spin cycle and I'm on pillow, that is. I'll have to switch the khakis to the dryer in the morning....when I wake up...if I wake time to put the pants in the dryer..and remember to push the start button..or maybe I should just do the switch now???

What's a mother to do?


Me. Now. Tonight. Or Is It Tomorrow Already?

"Mom? My khakis?"......the first words I'll hear in the morning. Yawn. Zzzzzzz.

Forgot The List

As I skipped throughout the aisles at the grocery store, hunting and gathering dinner, I made it throught the fruits and veggies before it hit me. The list! I forgot the list. Again.

There I was smack in the middle of the meat department with no idea what to make for dinner The meat department is not usually my kind of place to linger but I have been working on my Becky Home Becky cooking. It's not that I can't's just that I've been boiling water and tossing in a different pasta every night....for years! Dinnertime is challenging...although pasta works with many dishes.

Grace is 16...her meal of choice is still pasta...white pasta. Peas or frozen Lima beans. Thankfully, T.J. has branched out in his Epicurean delights...although he doesn't eat peas...or frozen lima beans....or oatmeal, another staple in Grace's culinary repertoire.

Try not to judge...we all have to pick our own battles. Yours may not be food may be school...or hair....or clothing...or friends...or homework....the battles go on and on. I didn't eat lasagna until college because I didn't like the name...the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. By the way, Grace and T.J. both like apples.

Yes, we are an odd bunch. Speaking of bunches, bananas were one of Grace's favorite fruits...until they weren't. T.J. still likes banana. Both kids liked meatloaf...until one day at age 4 when Grace stopped liking meatloaf...and every meat. T.J. likes a variety of meats. Grace doesn't eat sandwiches. Or jelly. Yes for peanut butter on Ritz crackers. T.J. likes sandwiches. They both like waffles. Grace loves scrambled eggs...You guessed it....T.J. not so much. They both like cereal...Cracklin' Oat Bran yes...Grace doesn't care for Cheerios...T.J. does. They both like clementines, oranges, grapes, melons and strawberries. Raisins for.T.J, not for Grace.

Funny, I guess I should have made a fruit salad for dinner. Don't say're thinking we're a bunch of fruits. Yup...maybe even mixed up. It makes life interesting.

Cleaning Lady

Mondays are like that. Why is the house even more upside down when we have a whole weekend to get it right side up? I guess I know the answer. Considering my mom taught me there's a place for everything and everything on it's place, you'd think I'd have caught on by now.

She's also the one who taught me to make the bed first thing in the morning so if all else fails, at least your bed looks pretty and it pulls the room together. At least I caught on to that tid bit of wisdom...or really, now I think it might have been the working mom's attempt to get it all done!

Oh! One other thing she taught me...if your house is perfectly spotless, then you're not having any fun. I guess I've been having too much fun....until today.


Monday Morning Mellow

Gray day. Damp. Drizzly. Oh to cuddle up under the comforters again.