Halloween. Buy candy. Check. Why do I do that to myself? Every year it's the same. Candy. I'm out shopping in mid October. I see the Halloween displays everywhere. I am absolutely horrified that these stores are beginning holidays earlier and earlier. I don't remember when I first saw Halloween in the stores this year. Who knows? When we were on the cape? Not so crazy. Yet, somewhere in that mid October moment I think.....better get it now.
Why. I know that before the end of the week I will dip in....just for a treat. I don't even keep this kind of stuff in the house. So, if I buy it early I know to hide it. But isn't that ironic....I am the one hiding it. Yup. I hide it well. I also remember where it is....within moments I'm crinkling the bag and opening it even if it takes teeth. I'm not proud. By this point, I have to have it. I'm like Fitzy. I would scale tall buildings to get to it. I may not invade neighbors' barbeques like Fitzy but I get at that candy. Did I mention that I buy the kind that I like but would never justify buying otherwise.
Well, this year the plan was right on target. Candy. Check. Hide. Forgot where....very unusual. How have I come up with it now? The week before Halloween? I put all of the candy, still in grocery bags, in the garage.
I was outside the other day with the doggies. Fitzy is now on a very long training leash. Hah? Training? Surely we jest. I was organizing (don't laugh...I need encouragement, not mockery!) some of our garage obstacle course. While in up to my elbows, I turned when I heard a rustling of plastic.
I dropped my Rubbermaid tub. I ran. It was Fitzy, snoot first in the tub filled with Halloween goodies. I pulled her back. I scolded her. "NO," I barked. "LEAVE IT!"
The good news. Fitz didn't get to all of it. There was more for me. I didn't have to rip the bag open with my teeth! Oh....I did have a few Hershey's kisses....and took one out for later.