Tuesday, May 10, 2011

It's Alarming

My grocery shopping extravaganza...in reverse order. Just an average day.

20**Delicious steak and fabulous salad is served! Oops..how did I forgetting the potatoes?

19**Started grill.

18**Carried ALL of the groceries into the house. No way would I let Fitz get our steak and Twizzlers.

17**Drove off...thinking about the nice people out there.

16** So nice. The lovely woman thought it was her car. I confessed it was mine.

15. Nice woman in the next parking space stops to pet Daisy and Fitz. She asked if her car alarm scared my dogs.

15**Finally quiet.

14** Apologized to dogs for the whoop whoop noise.

13**Ran out to car, put key in to stop whoop whoop whoop blaring noise!

12**Found keys in little hand basket under checkout counter.

11** Run to checkout. nope. salads.nope. meat department. nope. magazines. nope. cereal. nope.back to cashier. to customer service.Run back into store to find keys while car alarm whoops!

10 **Get outside to car with no car keys....dogs in car...windows open a bit....stuck arm in and unlocked car. whoop.whoop. whoop. whoop. whoop. whoop. Good Samaritan leaves in a hurry when alarm started whooping.

9*** Nice gentleman asks if I need help with my car door. Hung up on friend.

8**Walk out to car with groceries, chatting with old friend on cell phone, I realize I have no car keys.

7**Take the little basket for shopping since it will be a quick shop..salad, steak, cereal. and uh, oh yeah ...replacement Twizzlers...I'm in the mood. After these, I probably won't want them fir months!

6**Run into store

5** Leave all car windows open a bit for doggies. Tell Daisy and Fitzy that I'll be right back.

4**Nice parking space...dogs have a nice location for people watching.

3**Drive to grocery store, sunroof and all windows open...singing to an old "Boston " song...no kids in car to complain about my "old school" music. Dogs happy with the wind blowing their beautiful golden fur...and mine too.

2**Get in car with the dogs in the back seat. Start off to grocery store.

1**T.J. and I were talking about dinner. I asked what he was I. the mood for...we settled on steak on the grill for tonight. Better get out to the grocery store.


Yes. It's me. This is my life.

Not Again?

Biff poked his head in the door just moments after he walked out the door to drive off to his office......he quizzed me, "Just as a reference point, how many Twizzlers were remaining in the pack you left in the car?"

Uh oh. Fitz has been out in the car(her crate? no. more like her condo)...oh no...she didn't? ...yes she did!

She just digested her big gummy blue sharks! Just! Just! And her we go...3/4 pack of twisty twizzlers. Mmmmmwwwaaaaooooo..Blech!

Not Again?

Biff poked his head in the door just moments after he walked out the door to drive off to his office......he quizzed me, "Just as a reference point, how many Twizzlers were remaining in the pack you left in the car?"

Uh oh. Fitz has been out in the car(her crate? no. more like her condo)...oh no...she didn't? ...yes she did!

She just digested her big gummy blue sharks! Just! Just! And her we go...3/4 pack of twisty twizzlers. Mmmmmwwwaaaaooooo..Blech!