Monday, May 2, 2011


News stories are like waves in the ocean...there's always another one that follows..and another and another. Sometimes the ocean is calm and quiet...even serene. At times, the water sparkles like glass. The calm before the storm. Tumultuous waters, crashing waves, pounding surf churning.

Depending on the weather it can change in moments. Everything comes and goes like waves.

Life. News. Local. World. Family. Change. Moments. Blink. Time. Think.

That's how it feels...

Life Is A Gift


Just as we were beginning to overdose on Friday's royal wedding excitement, Saturday's headline news of outrageous U.S. tornados blew across the television and internet into our family room showing the devastation of lives and communities rattled to their core. Prayer has made the difference. Their world has been rocked yet prayer gives them hope.

Sunday night, our heads were still spinning from accounts of royal kisses in London to mothers in Alabama ....on the ground, instinctively throwing themselves over their children to protect their sweet lives. A news bulletin interrupted the silly Trump boardroom on the Apprentice to wait for breaking news and word from our president that Osama Bin laden had been killed. Shock. Relief. Terror. Safety. Family. Life. Military. Prayer gives us hope.

What a whirlwind of information to and marriage, royal or otherwise. Disasters, natural or unnatural. Death, killing or dying. Prayer gives us hope.

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