Friday, November 19, 2010

Can you believe it?Only another blonde junky will understand this.
Biff and I still think it's not the right "me blonde".SO self absorbed ....that's what some may say. Unless you know the Blondie/Foodie/Druggie/Drinky/Sweety/Shoppy/Gambly obsessions some may see this as shallow, narcissistic, needy being! Not true. At least not all of it's true. Give me a chance. I am "NEEDING to be ablonde "BEING."
Please remember that in every aspect of my life I have OCD....."OBSESSIVE COLOR DISORDER" and ADHD,"A DECENT HAIR DAY"

My hairdresser ....who laughed when she heard my voice on the phone early this morning.

A friend walked right by me...of course it was a bit hard to recognize ...the foil created quite a glare.

Back to the drawing board

Family while hair cloo, quantity and facial fur were in tact! Hopefully the facial hair was on Biff...not me!

This is the photo Biff showed me this morning after sleeping with the strange brunette. The strange part was familiar....he fell in love with was the brunette that freaked him out! This photo was taken on our first "date"...

The morning after!

H'mmmmm....... Ahhhhhhhh NOT! After picking up Grace and a friend at school....and both of the girls were so shocked to see me.....T.J. was befuddled when he saw the new, not so improved, me!
It was when Biff arrived home. after his flight across the country, that was my tipping point. He was shocked! "You look like the lady who sat across me on the plane!" He reminded me of my "happy hair" as we called it....I agreed. BUT it was one in the morning. Off to sleep. Every time I had to pass by a mirror I looked. It was like my evil twin!

This morning Biff and I laughed when I picked my head up off the pillow! I was the other woman! I called my hair salon.....and took my shower to try to wash it back!!! No chance. I had to wait until one thirty....and manage to steer clear of the mirrors!

The new me! Trying it out. After the summer sun bleached look, I thought ...........