Monday, January 31, 2011

Claire's Snowman

My niece just texted this photo to me. She built this enormous snowman on Sunday. We chatted on facebook tonight. I asked her to post her snowman on facebook.

My niece is 26. I love her spirit. I always have. She has always been a gift in my life. My niece Claire taught me to get outside of myself.....when I was in my twenties......and relatively self involved.

Claire changed me. She was the first person in my family who was younger than me. She showed me the world....through the sweet innocence of a child. Her world changed mine.

Children have that kind of power! They have power they are unaware is magnificent power. Love. Sweet. Gentle. Pure. With no expectations. More of a gift! Unaware of their power, they smile at us or tell us a story...and we are captured by them....and their world.

Now Claire is in her twenties. I'm delighted to see her spirit as I know it. Sweet. I'm tickled that she texted her snowman to me. Did I ever tell you that she texts me a photo of her Christmas tree every year? After it's decorated. I love her spirit! And I love my connection with my twenty something niece ......she is a gift in my life.

Here we go again.....

More milk. Again. Snow. Lots more snow. Lots and lots more snow. It's o.k. with me. I love it...still. I love that it snows and it slows us down. We all need to be slowed dowan from time to time...if we don't slow down for ourselves, it seems something beyomd our control helps is to slow down. Weather, feeling under the weather, a car won't start or a repairman takes forever to arrive.... that's my signal. Slow down.signals. Not everyone sees them because of life's busyness. Sometimes there are su tle signs. Do you look for them? Do you notice? Slow down. Look at things differently today. Look for signs from above. Be aware of people's they sound familiar...have you heard them before? Is there something you've heard again and again.....but you haven't listened. Shhhhhhh. Quiet. Stop. Look. Listen. Take time to slow down and be still. Still enough. See what happens. Slow down.

Oh my goodness....this has been a crazy winter. I love it! We have had so many snow days and early dismissals and 90 minute delays, I'm hoping our children will be out of school by 4th of July!

More snow to the early morning hours! Grace and T.J. have not had a full week of school since before Christmas vacation. Crazy. Yet, I love it.

Again, I will say this......I love winter and snow and snow long as I don't have to go to work and wear pantyhose! That's that. If women's rights and all of that I am woman hear me roar stuff were truly serious, they would toss pantyhose out the window. A friend of mine from my Brooks Brothers days used to say that if we were at war with another country, we should just have their soldiers have to wear pantyhose for a day......we could end war.

Lots to say. Lots to do. Lots to think about.

Yet, lately, I have felt sad about my blog. My writing is not as frequent. I love to write. I have so much to tell. Still, it is just for me.....but then, it's not. It happens. I write. I write. I write. It's hard to have so much to say and so little time to sit down at the computer. Especially, when the computer has died. Yes...died. A few weeks ago.

I love to tell stories about the stuff that happens in I see it. Thankfully, I have friends who share my sense of humor. I get feedback. I makes me happy to share and know that others understand or share some of my quirky perspective.

Not here. Nope. No comments. No growing followers. I don't even know if there are readers! Still, I waste my time thinking of whether or not to stop. Then, I stop...and think....this is MINE. I have been doing this since October 2009. That's a long time for me. I was more religious for the first year. THen I had computer issues. Camera issues. Phone issues. Camera issues again. Computer issues again. Phone issues again. And I go on and on and on.

Still, I wonder. Then...I think. It's fun for me. Sometimes it feels like pressure when I have some techo troubles. Or life pressures. It's hard to do everything and feel like it'sbeing done well. But then, I remind myself about what I say to our kids.....Just do your best. You don't have to be THE best but you can always give it your best. Perfect is impossible. Perfect is really no fun.

So, I write. Even if no one reads. Even if friends don't read. Even if some of my own family members don't check it out. Really. It's o.k. I like to write. I always have.