Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Sunshine, Steeples and Silence

I was moved by the spectacular scenep as I sat today waiting for Grace. The blue sky, the sunny day, the church steeples, the American flag, the sparkling snow blanketing the green......and that was it. No marching band or angels was just beautiful. 

With so much on any mom's to-do list, it's always a surprise to realize Right where we are is magic. Today, waiting in the passenger seat for Grace....who was chomping at the bit to return to the driver's seat in order to do some more driving.

While sitting on the sunny side, with my window open, I made a conscious choice to the quiet. It wasn't very long before Grace appeared at.the door.

I was relaxed, rested and ready to let go and live in the fast lane....with my daughter at the wheel! We're in a whole new phase of our mother/ daughter relationship!!!!! Push/pull. Stop/ Go. Stop/ start. Steady we go.....slowly...carefully ....cautiously... 

Throughout these teen years...thar's all we can do. Watch. Offer advice and suggestions...quietly and carefully. Give feedback. Offer constructive criticism and hope it's taken the right way. Keep trying to stay calm, cool and collected.......even when I want to shout, "STOP!"

It's been that way since we've had children. We can't do it all for them. We can only teach them, guide them and trust them to do the right thing!

Or...I could do what my friend Catherine's mom did.... I could put my feet up on the dashboard and scream Grace's name with my head hidden between knees! It might be rather effective! Certainly no quiet... but effective!

A Valentine for T.J.

Hope for Spring/Hope Springs Eternal

A Glorious Day

Connecticut. So much beauty surrounds us. This is one of my favorite working farms in Connecticut. I love to see the different seasons. AND the cows make me laugh!

"Ladies in Waiting"

I get a kick out of these cows! All of theo little ladies lined up for their afternoon buffet. If only they could talk! I love the sign posted right by the trough ..."Ladies in Waiting." Gotta love a farmer with a sense of humor.

A Valentine for Grace

One More Time!

That blackboard wall paint that I used back in the fall added one more place in the house for some fun! Who could be happier to draw those classic girly puffy letters, write, doodle and decorate freely with chalk than 16 year old girls?

I loved watching the girls giggling and being their silly selves all dressed in their sweet dressed-up-out-to-dinner teenage skirts and dresses! It reminded that all of these girls are still the same little girls that were here for Grace's 6 year old dress-up party! I feel blessed to be able to see these children grow over the years. I still wonder... are we all still who we were at age 5 or 6?

Certainly it seems we all have the same spirit....even if some of us have it well hidden deep inside...I believe it's there. How about you....where's your 6 year old spirit? Find it and have some fun! Today. Share it. Ask your mom who she was at 6 years old..... I bet that's who she is today with just a bit more life experience!