life is precious. take nothing for granted. take no one for granted. be real. speak honestly with the people you love. speak honestly with everyone. life is better when we are real. it makes a difference to everyone around us. honesty is good...honesty to cause hurt is is a very fine line. our days are more extraordinary when we act mindfully. everyone needs a place for quiet thoughts...mine is at the beach...or gardening ....lots of places for peace.
this is not meant to be preachy or full of is random my quiet place at the beach...with our dogs...biff and the kids came to meet me...i asked them to come...just to be a place that we be appreciate the abundance in our lives. to often we forget.
katie is not well. i needed time to pray....for katie....and her family...and her close friends like claire who sit by her be with her...pray for them all...the pain is excruciating for katie and all who love that sweet girl.
life is precious.