Alarm bells. Wedding bells.I hope I wake up when the alarm goes off. When i announced the hour of my early morning wake-up plans, my children rolled their eyes. Although Grace said she would join me IF she could take the day off from school. Tempting as it may have been, I knew her heart wasn't in it and she was just using me and taking advantage of royalty. Nope. This early morning wedding is a solo invite...better for me. I wont be distracted!
Biff defended my temporary insanity as I pulled out my sparkly wedding headband for the occasion. After all, I should dress up just a little, don't you think? It wouldn't seem right to spend the day with royalty and not do something a bit special...I'll skip my wedding shoes. They're for our anniversary. I might try those sweet curlers during the guest arrivals. Ooh! My pearls! What's a wedding without pearls? I do have something white to wear with my, I mean headband! I loved our wedding could I be anything but enthusiastic for this couple? Sure, they have a few more tiaras and castles and butlers and ladies in waiting (mine are Daisy and Fitzy) and a horse drawn carriage....but I wish them only goodness and love and babies and fun and family and happiness together...deeply in love as best, best friends. We are blessed. I hope, at the end of their matter what their stress or chaos or life may be....I hope they laugh like we do!
Sorry. Wait. Tonight that's not happening for me and Biff. Sadly, we won't be laughing as we fade off to dreamland tonight. I'm sleeping on the couch. In the family room. He kissed me good night and walked upstairs....I've got to be here for the wedding warm-up at 3:00 or 4:00 a.m....then to a little royal coffee at 6! I hope I can sleep with all of the excitement!
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Wedding Bells!
Royal Wedding Frenzy!!!
So much hype about the royals, Williamson and Kate, London, Balmoral, THE wedding dress,'s all such fun! Really, no matter how high-fillutin the royal family is, why oh why can't we get that queen a nicer handbag? All we keep hearing about os Kate's dress..what on earth will the queen carry as a handbag? She has diamonds and an awesome collection of tiaras...why wont anyone give her a nice handbag. May I see something in a really royal style please? I'm begging! Won't someone poke at the pink elephant handbag in Buckingham Palace? Please sir, I want some more...handbags!
Getting Married In The Morning
Ding Don't the bells are gonna chime! So exciting to see another royal wedding! Having oodles of fun with friends...on facebook, with friends and TV!
Wind! Waves! And dogs! Fitz ran off like the wind today...well, more like...escaped, broke loose, hit the road.One minute Daisy was surfing in with a retrieved stick, Fitz would swim to Daisy...and they swam back to shore together. In an instant, I saw that look in her eye! Poof! She was gone!
Thankfully, a town worker with a giant lawn mower had his airplane like motor running...which stopped Fitzy in her tracks. Daisy had her under control when I caught up. The lawn mower fella looked a bit befuddled by the scene! He may never know that he saved the day!
Green! Finally green! Walking the dogs with wind and a fine mist was delightful since I was dressed for the elements. I love when that happens!
Did Boo fall asleep while reading my blog? Oh no! Could my life be that boring? Really? Maybe this blog needs to be more fun. Really...if the cat can't stop himself from nodding off...couldn't keep himself awake....a cat sleeps most of the day...and he couldn't even make it through my blog post. WAKE UP! Are you asleep too?
Did Boo fall asleep while reading my blog? Oh no! Could my life be that boring? Really? Maybe this blog needs to be more fun. Really...if the cat can't stop himself from nodding off...couldn't keep himself awake....a cat sleeps most of the day...and he couldn't even make it through my blog post. WAKE UP! Are you asleep too?