as the saying goes," if you want to make God laugh, just tell him your plans!"
i planned a nice quiet morning, waking up before the kids....i thought i'd have my "maxwell house moment"....that's what i call the dream cup of delicious coffee...that perfect cup.....a quiet moment....a reflective moment....and that sip of coffee heated to perfection and the perfect color....just the right amount of milk. just that one sip, if not the whole cup, if i have one sip that allows me a quiet moment to gather my thoughts.......then the whole day follows with ease.
and some days, i make a cup of coffee in the keurig( have it in a cup that i like.....buying just the right mug is another issue, size, pattern, color, handle, gets very complex juat picking the mug...which reminds me, i'd love to get some new matching mugs because the ones i have now are just a tad too big and too muggy at the lip.......they are muggy more than me. i know i'm scary. biff knows it too! he loves me anyway! he embraces my peccadillos....or was that enables them? anyway, he makes me the perfect cup of coffee considering that he likes his coffee black, at any temperature. ya know, sometimes i make a cup of coffee in the right mug, pour in some milk to get just the right color.....i may have gone one spilsh too far...(are you wondering about the spilsh's kind of a spill and a splash)......and the cup of perfection must be touched up in the microwave.
and you think it's easy! once the coffee goes into the microwave it has the possibility of being a tad some gamma sooopa dooopa rays.....meaning that sometimes i imagine that with allof the microwaving we do, will sometime turn our world green.
i know that might not take place today but depending on the day, i am sometimes mildly suspicious.....and no! they don't put things in my coffee to make me this way!
back to the perfect cup.....oh! ....i forgot!....and that's exactly what happens.....we go out and we buy the keurig, the great coffee, we store the coffee in the freezer instead of one of those cute tins on the counter......we make the coffee in the perfectly delightful mug .......and,"mom, where are my ski pants.....oh! they're out in the car with my gear from ski bus!"
i'll get one outrageously perfect hot maxwell house cup to my lips and "woof,woof,woof"...."ding dong"...."ring, ring, ring" and "meow, meow".....the fish never really causes much of a stir relating to my coffee......unless he's in it.....or....d-e-a-d.....dead. thankfully it's never been both!
so, today was a comedy of errors or just are some of the things that were not as i expected....
the maxwell house moment with my own coffee.
having the kids come with me to walk the dogs in the woods, in the snow.....o.k. that was ten years ago...maybe even four years ago they might have come......i know, but i can wish.
the roaring fire on the day of the fierce blizzard was an"epic fail", as grace and t.j. say....from the moment i stacked the wood, crumpled the newspaper, put in some kindling and the cheater stick, the fire helper block....and lit the match.....i knew i was having bad fire karma....and i did.....t.j. was right there to tell me what i was doing wrong...he wanted to know the rest of the ugly story......"i - know - how - to - make - a -fire ------ do - you - know - how -many - fires - that - i - have - made - in - my - life-----just - because - dad - is - not- here - does - not - mean - that - i cannot - light - this - fire!"......o.k. not one of my better moments....especially when t.j. said something that i have myself said to my children.....ready! here goes! he said,"mom! (hear his exasperation, see my perspiration) i can't believe how deliberate you seem to's like you refuse any help? why do you do this?"......o.k., i'm ashamed of myself....especially now that i see this in writing....and since i'm the one always saying...."never be too proud to ask for help!"
i had all of the best cozy food in the house....but the way the tim y wanted what he could not have....out of principle..."A SNOW DAY".....he wanted me to drive to town to "BUY" a subway sub for dinner. and here we were in our un-cozy-home-with-no fire-in-the-fireplace-no-cozy-food-in-the-oven! ....and we were all bothered by then! ahhhhhh....comfort! ahhhh! home!
we did have a very nice dinner together. we did have some nice conversation and laughter.
then i had some reluctant help in the kitchen......but they did help...and they are good kids....i'm reminding myself....they are good kids....i'm reminding....
i was applying some special groovy, earth conscious, granola, peaceful aloe fitz's sore ears.....she loved it .....until......she didn't!
i was taking fitzy and daisy out in the snow.....just as we got to the door.....fitz started galloping across the lawn and she was gone in a white haze.......i whistled....i called her name....i did that two finger LOUD whistle......and the winds were blowing and daisy was hunting for her and i was searching.......i decided to drive down the driveway....and up the driveway....and down the driveway.........and daisy came herding fitzy to me.......lassie had come home! ahhhhh a relaxing snow day!
i was all set to put the movie in....we had eaten....i certainly had some exercise.....and the kids....oh! no! they did not want to watch a d.v.d! they had other things to do......and then they needed showers....and t.j. said he had reading for school!....o.k. not a d..v.d.
they went to sleep. i took out the julie and julia d.v.d......and.....i could not make it work. i could not turn it on...i could not get the d.v.d. to accept it.....