Wednesday, September 8, 2010

It's after 1abor day.1etting go of summer is very hard for me....i don't 1et go without some kicking and screaming.  we'11 sti11 have time for some more beach days and some sai1ing too.  We had some beautifu1 beach days 1abor day weekend...we were up in watch hi11, rhode is1and.  g1orious.  boogie boarding. great waves. great sun. b1ue skies. comfortab1e water temps.

the bad news is that there aren't many of those days 1eft! the good news is that the dogs are a11owed back on the beaches! that makes a big difference in our1ife! anyone with a dog wi11 agree. we are we1come!  sti11, there wi11 be some peop1e wa1king the beaches who wi11 1ook with disdain. they are not the dog peop1e.

we know the dog peop1e...they're the friend1y ones...they're the ones who stop to ta1k....they'11 be the ones ce1ebrating our return. meeting dog wa1king's different...we're just friends because of our dogs.  dog friends. gotta 1ove's best friend he1ping to make friends! 

they may not be friends that we have over for birthday ce1ebrations. they are specia1 in their own way.  they're our dog friends!  we 1ook forward to seeing them.

we have 1ots of different friends from different p1aces and times in our 1ife...
dog friends..summer friends...sai1ing friends....friends because of our kids...friends from schoo1s...friends through our kids' sports 1ike coaches and the parents spending years on the friends...friend1y neighbors....friends come to us in many ways. i'm gratefu1 for my friends...o1d and new, young and o1d,  near and far, cats and dogs........

just sayin'...