Saturday, November 6, 2010

Our hour

Sleep. That's the greatest gift of daylight savings time. We just don't love having our days end so early.  It's a wierd change. It's hard to adjust to the darkness. The days fly by. The night seems to begin....after lunch. Darkness.  I crave sunshine...always. We'll adjust. We will all adjust.  For now, I'm just happy for the hour.


It's late. We're all ready for bed. Tonight we're all grateful for daylight savings time and and extra hour of sleep.  Life is busy as we all know. We've gone from Halloweenmania last weekend with Election Day off from school to this weekend filled with hustling and bustling for the homecoming dance. Now that everyone is safely tucked into bed I can breathe again.  

T.J. barely acknowledged the crazy hype of the homecoming happenings.  He brought his money to school  to purchase a ticket to the dance. After school, he said that his freshman friends had all decided not to go. It didn't seem to be a big deal.  Lots of the boys' moms had no idea about the dance.  It may have slipped by us had we not had our social director, Grace keeping us on our toes. When T.J. came home with the news that the guys had decided to pass. Grace was not surprised.  Last year the freshman boys didn't bother either. It's a guy thing. My mom thing was relief.  T.J. has to be up and out early to get to sailing tomorrow. Thankfully, he was just as happy to be home tonight.

This week has been a blur...Biff had travel here and there,...I had it noted in my phone calendar. At one point during the week when we spoke I was surprised to hear that he was on his way home. His plans had changed the here and there of the travel and my brain was still in the here without making it to the there where he had already been.  Did you get that? I'm still not sure where he was! JK as Grace says.  "Just Kidding"....kind of.

My plans changed this week too.  My new blog group was meeting Thursday night. T.J. arrived home from school with headache, sore throat and ready for bed. I wasn't far off from that either.  Biff hadn't arrived home.  I saw my library blogging friend on his way to the gathering.  I let him know that Murphy's Law had just come into play.  I had to go with that intuitive feeling, be home. Be quiet. I did. T.J. slept through til the morning. Me too. Grace went to sleep early. Biff was exhausted. We were a family who needed peace, quiet and sleep.

Quiet is good.  We all need it.  Some days I crave it when I'm least likely to make it happen.  I try to stay tuned in to my own needs.  Sometimes as a mom it seems to elude me. But there are moments that can save me.  My ever peaceful Maxwell House moment....even though that's not my brand...I remember the commercial. That quiet moment sitting with my coffee.  Biff is still not sure whether it's the coffee or the moment that makes my day....I know that it's the moment. 

That quiet moment is like the pulse of the day.  If I get that peace in those few moments, I'm taking care of myself and feel fueled for the rest of the day. Fueled with quiet and calm. Other days are more like chasing that calm.  Days when my life is up to everyone else....even if I try to grab for some control. It's just the ebb and flow, the yin and yang, the black and white ...

So, now I have quiet. It took awhile to get this quiet.  Busy-ness.  Just lots of people to see and places to go and dogs to walk and life to live and E-bay to mail and cough drops to buy and groceries to gather and phones to charge and trash bags to fill and laundry to do and showers to scrub and..........blurrrrrrrr.  Friday T.J. was home sick. Grace home from school and keeping me informed of the plans, changing with every text and phone call. Biff was home. Friday night I began painting a bathroom.  Note to self: keep the black and white kitty outside of the room we're painting.... I painted the whole thing while Biff and T.J. watched a movie. Grace popped in and out with more planning and possibilities. Grace paraded through trying out her heels. We woke up this morning with Daisy's big eyes suggesting it was time to go outside.  Fitz was ready.  Biff made coffee.  

That's when our dance began!  Early this morning. Taking care of life.  Lots of details of life. Things. Stuff. Life. The kinds of things that fill up a day....but when anyone asks what you did today, you can barely answer....unless you go on a roll with stream of consciousness.....until their eyes roll back in their head.  Kind of like when my mom used to give me a blow by blow description of her transactions at the grocery store.  Loved her but couldn't keep it from her that she was boring me to death with details of a bruised tomato!  We laughed about it....but she told me her long, draggy story anyway.  I think we all do it.  Just to validate our pathetic existence up to our elbows in some of the minutae of life.

Isn't that my blog. Oh my gosh,...I have just described my blog. Blah, blah, I love my blog and I want it back...excuse me but Fitzy is gettin into some leftover Halloween candy.  Lots of rustling ....for real. This dog should have been a bomb sniffer. She stopped. It must have been wrappers.  She's already eaten a pumpkin today.....oh, and another lipstick.  It's all a blurrrrrrr.

Fitzy, Fitzy, pumpkin eater! Daisy politely checking out her options.

Pumpkin pickin' Fitz