Back in Vermont, we had dinner with our friends after a full day of skiing. We had lots of laughs. All off the kids played Trivial Pursuit with occasional outbursts by the parents who were desperate to "help" answer the random questions. Life has changed. The questions came to us via the iPhone App! The world is getting crazier by the minute. All of our wi-fi service and internet connections could never have given us the fun we all had with the crayons. T.J. crayoned a portrait of Kate,the 5th grader, while Kate drew a portrait of T.J. T.J promised Kate that he would make her T.J. portrait his facebook profile pi ture.The simplicity of crayons make them capable of connecting all ages. I am convinced that we could have peace in the world if every house in the world kept crayons on the table. Everyone has a different perspective. Coloring, side by side with anyone, crayons have the power to connect. We all seem to see and respect the other's perspective when crayons are the common drawing tool. So simplistic. Make crayons not war.
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