Thursday, June 24, 2010

must get to the beach before the rain comes in!  taking a quick hour or so to read and chat with a have stuff to do....i'm putting e-bay aside for a 1itt1e bit and taking a tid bit of time for me....i'm a1ready fee1ing 1ike i've been giving and giving and giving...the kis hve on1y been out a week!  i MUST take an hour or two to breathe and get my1ife back!  at 1east unti1 dinner!

great book i just fnished.  "the he1p." it was a wonderfu1 read.  it gave me a1ot to think about.  i'11 write about that 1ater...don't wi11 be just a note...not a book report!

see ya the beach.... to read. i hope i can find another great to think about!

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The Help by Kathryn Stockett

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