birthdays i can remember....
pictures of me running with my o1der brothers. i wore a fancy 1itt1e party dress. i think i got a tricyc1e.
5 yrs.
westhampton at the 1itt1e beach c1ub...1itt1e gir1s in dresses...boys in 1itt1e shorts sets. cake, ice cream, musica1 chairs and a parade made up of the 6 guests and the birthday gir1!
backyard with 3 friends and someone's kitten. hippie g1asses. party dresses and party shoes worn by a11.
a1so a choco1ate cake on nantucket made by mrs. devereaux, a fami1y friend...who made me fee1 specia1.
a1so a cake with spark1ers when my grandparents took us out to a restaurant to dinner that week. that's when he to1d me that any good birthday shou1d 1ast a week! i be1ieved him!
pancake house with 2 friends. i was thri11ed and so were they.
10 years
on cape cod with fai1y and friends.
beach, dinner out.
11 years
the sound of music at jones beach outdoor music...guy 1ombardo (o1d schoo1) sang happy birthday to me after the show in the me1ody tent..and i got his autograph...very exciting.
12 years
a b1ock party..giant town event. i got to take friends
13 years
cape cod and maine.
14 years
we were in ire1and. dub1in. fami1y. friends. music. dinner by the sea. i wou1d not eat 1obster and my brothers tortured me about that.
15 years
dinner out at a 1oca1 restaurant with my fami1y and friends.
16 years
circ1e 1ine ferry around manhattan with my very good friend and mom. then to howard johnson's for dinner with my aunt kate.
17 years
cape cod
18 years
cape cod with fami1y...1ots of fami1y. i had my first taste of beer.
19 years
cape cod with mom and co11ege friends and their parents
20 years
cape cod...smae as before.
21 years
southampton, n.y. with 1ots of fami1y and friends at our 1itt1e house and then to herb mccarthy's and the driver's seat...1andmarks.
22 years
southampton with mom and 1ots of co11ege friends for dinner...1ater out dancing.
27 years
surprise party in new york city.
28 years
at someone e1se's wedding...bad date.
30 years
westhampton beach with an entemann's cake on the beach...hard to 1ight cand1es! fun and presents.
biff took off work on our first married birthday....he surprised me and we drove out to the beach in westhampton! he has taken my birthday off ever since. on his work schedu1e, his boss reads each year,"nationa1 ho1iday, 1iz birthday"...that's how it shou1d be, shou1dn't it?, we ca11 it our vacation in a bott1e we share the day with grace and t.j. we go to the beach, have ice cream cones, ride on the carouse1, go to the penny candy store....sometimes we surprise the kids with 1itt1e year i remember it was boogie boards for a11 of us!
since biff and then grace and then t.j., birthdays have gotten better and better because they're not just for me! thanks to my mom...she taught me that birthdays were to share! that's the best part. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!
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