Monday, December 27, 2010

Animal Farm

Not quite animal farm but certainly animal house! Oh wait...that came out the wrong way. We have very sweet animals living with us. This is T.J.'s Jinx....he is one cozy kitty. He loves to sleep in T.J.'s his feet. Now he is all cozied up on our bed, at our feet. T.J. is not in his room. What a nice surprise to have Jinx sleep at our feet. I'm really not flattered. I know better. He just wants to stay warm on a cold winter night! That's o.k. with me. They are such a big part of our lives. We feed them. We pet them. We walk some. We let them in. We let them out. We stop to pet them. We play with them. We chat with them. We tell them how we feel. We sit side by side with them. We laugh at them. We share our home. They don't ask much of us. Wow, they make a difference in our lives. Everyday.

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