Thursday, December 16, 2010

Who doesn't love a little glam. Don't we all require some time to be pampered and fluffed up....physically, mentally and spriritually? Who better to get the works? Daisy. She's a little lady now at 8 years old. It seems we all get so busy with the business of life and the busy-ness of life we let things go. We don't take the time to slow down, linger in the shower for some extra bubbles. We have a clock to think about. We have others to care for. We have appointments and meetings to get to.

Daisy reminde me of that today. She looks beautiful everyday. Today she got the luxe. Today is Daisy's day. Although a wonderful woodsy scent, something eau de squirrel or chipmunk bath beads would be her choice, we settled with a light floral natural shampoo and conditioner for her grand goldilocks.

She's been washed gently in a warm shower, fluffed with her very own sham-wow and a martex towel, let outside to shake and brushed to keep her golden gleem. As I write, she is sprawled out in a sunny spot on the floor of the family room. Our shiny, happy puppy reminds me that it's good for all of us to slow down, take a break from the hustle bustle of the season and allow more than a moment for glam.

We give. We do. We live. We move. We run. We hurry. We hustle. We forget that we matter. It's a good time to stop...if only for a few extra minutes...and care for ourselves. It makes a difference in how we feel. Daisy can testify. 

I still remember visiting my 92 year old grandma, a woman who enjoyed a long life of walking, dressing and healthy living. Now matter what, when we visited, I always gave her a touch of lipstick and blush. It amazed me how instantly she appeared to feel better. We laughed together about how we all love to look our best. Just a touch made her spirits lift and her smile light up her face! Don't we all feel that way? I think so.  

Think of a 4 year old girl. Think of how dress up and mommy's lipstick have her beam. Shouldn't we all take that moment? Don't we all need a touch of the glam? I think so.

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