Sunday, March 27, 2011

MY TV Night

It all started with the first season of The Amazing Race on CBS. Our family started watching the show together. Slowly, my family faded away. It became "mom's show." Showers, last minute homework, even facebook distracted the others.

The flat sceen TV became mine. The family room became mine. Mine, mine...all mine! That doesn't happen too often.

It's just something about the people...the dynamics, the challenges and the commitment of the couples to WIN. With the Amazing Race, I get to travel and live vicariously as they dash through airports, eat outrageous foods, maneuver through foreign cities despite language barriers while strategically playing the game to win. Add to that the mix of personalities, the ability to play well with others....or not....and the overall group dynamic!!! I don't get out much.

For's heaven. The people, the personalities, the's every team I've ever worked with....banking, merchandising, families or kindergarten ....even PTO groups! The personalities are the same...only the situation has changed.

The people that have me mesmorized are the same people who make Biff crazy! To Biff, it's stressful and it's hell...the same differences we have with I Love Lucy. Heaven for me. Hell for Biff

The Apprentice with "The Donald" is next. Depending on the teams, Biff may join me in my group dynamic observation.

It's all the same as kindergarten...we repeat it again and again. Those rules still apply... in life! I do believe who we were then is who we are now.

As my good friend Kate said, when we were discussing preschool selection, " I have 4 girls, they've gone to a variety of pre-schools and they all had to learn their ABC's over again kindergarten!"

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