Sunday, May 1, 2011

"Never Give Up"

"Never give up. Never give up. Never ever give up" Words of Winston Churchill.

The words of Donald Trump,"Never give up" during a very heated night in the boardroom.

T.J. has some decisions to make. He's got so many good things going at school and after school. He's thoughtful about the choices he makes. He's weighing things. He's giving thought to pros and cons.

He's talked with Biff. He's talked with me. He goes back and forth. Quit. Go forward. Why quit? Why not? Change. Keep doing the right thing. Do your best. Keep trying. Give it your all!

We all have the moments in life. Tough decisions. We can all give our opinions and hear the opinions or suggestions of people we trust but at the end of the day, we have to trust ourselves. It's quite a big deal for a fourteen year old
and starting to make his own choices...not simply cherry vs. lemon ice choice.

That's big stuff whether you're in Trump's boardroom, a mom, a dad or the American Military fighting and searching for Osama Bin Laden!

Never Give Up!

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