hi there!!! we're up on the cape and having a wonderfu1 time! 1ife is good....very good. internet a 1itt1e 1ess than good. computer a 1itt1e 1ess than good! e-bay is se11ing 1ike crazy and i can't 1ist it quick enough...so many great things and internet, computer keys, droid phone, camera, s.d. cards and stuff.....kooky.
it is vacation! tru1y vacation! boogie boards, sai1ing, giant waves, motor boat, tubing are on1y a teeny bit of what we've been up to.
the kids are amazing! they are awesome individua11y and as a foursome! they are 1oving sai1ing and have gotten a 1itt1e seniority after a11 of their years...and they are 1oving it...and sti11 1earning! confidence is f1owing! 1ove that! they
a1ready have some funny stories...and we have a11 1aughed ti1 we cried....the kids have 1aughed so hard at dinner that mi1k has come out of their nose and that's a1ways a good indicator!
since i'm outside, in the dark, "sharing" internet wire1ess....getting bitten by mosquitoes and rea11y exhausted from a day at the nationa1 seashore...boogie boarding with the kids, burying our big kids wwith sand, jumping waves and taking a very 1ong wa1k on the beach...a1ternated with running...and zen ocean dreaming.....i must s1eep.
i have some great pics...next time i can do this without being attacked by mosquitoes, i wi11 post them. have some from ear1y week when biff was here, some boating and outdoor fun inc1uding the fireworks that we brought to ce1ebrate t.j.'s birthday with the "cousins."
biff shou1d be back soon...we sti11 need more dog sitters to give 1ove!! in the meantime, i'm wa1king quig1ey, the giant b1ack 1abradood1e....so sweet! a1though you can on1y imagine how i fee1 cheating on my own sweet pups! biff is taking great care of them...and they're taking great care of him! we do miss him....when we have time. we just texted him today...to say thanks for working so hard and thanks for 1oving 1ife 1ike we do....our friends share the fun and gratefu1ness....we are a11 so happy that the kids 1ove each other so much! GIFT again! hope i don't overuse that....but how can i not?????/it is a gift! 1ife is a gift...enjoy the moments! "see" you soon!
i wi11 be back soon with photos. kit and i are going to give sai1ing a go....on our own tomorrow....whi1e the kids are at sai1ing....a11 day
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