Sunday, April 10, 2011

Not Funny. Not one bit. This is how I feel right now. And it's Sunday….3pm. The end of the weekend. How is it possible that I feel as though our house is more in an upheaval than it was yesterday!

I hate when this happens. Why do I have to be the one to alert everyone. Don't they notice? Haven't I asked? Oh, I must have on my cloak of invisibility again. Darn that cloak. It always gets in the way of progress. 

Biff and I have been trying to get things done all weekend. Basic  cleaning. And a bit more. 
Laundry. Check.
Closets. Check.
Giveaway. Toss. Need to sort through piles. Started but now the piles are everywhere…in every room. Bedrooms. Family room. Vacuum. Vacuum everywhere. Or maybe nowhere until tomorrow.
Dogs. Check. Kind of. Sort of. A little bit.
The car interior. Check.
E-bay listing. Nope. No check. Camera broken. Yup. Another camera dead. Just like that. Poof. Dead. No good. No more pics. Done. Need to buy a new camera. Great.

The garage awaits. Need more Hefty bags for that job. Trip to the store? I think so.

Lawn.Plenty of lawn seed and holly toner. Too much in fact. We bought it last year from the boy scouts. Oh. We bought it again this year. Biff likes to give the kids $ for their fundraiser. Now we don't have enough space to store it all. We better pour it on heavy.

Kitchen. No paper towels. How can we begin with no paper towels? Better go to the store for those.


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