Sunday, June 6, 2010

what a beautiful walk biff and i had with the dogs yesterday evening! it was truly awesome.  the balmy breeze down on the beach was lovely, the peaceful sounds of sea gulls above and sand pipers along the shoreline  and the colors of the beach grasses and the sky were spectacular!  

our walk was wonderful.  the dogs are happy at anytime to get a walk at the beach and so am i.  biff and i enjoy where we live.  we really do.  
after most of the summer on the cape with friends, we come home and we live in a place that people visit for vacation!  a blessing for all of us....we know that and we appreciate that!

in the woods with the dogs, in town with the dogs or on the beach with the is good!  we have always loved to get out and explore.  the dogs help us to explore more places....sometimes more than we bargain people's backyards, garages and cars!  

the beach i have in the photos above is one of our favorites...with the dogs.  they are free to run.  there are no houses.  it's a little peninsula.  with fitz that means unless she swims away from us, she won't leave us.  sadly or happily, she is a golden who hasn't mastered her swimming classes yet!
we walked and talked and laughed at the dogs...and as always, we laughed at ourselves.  it's always such fun for us to have the little moments together. although, we would love to get more moments....maybe longer moments... as in moments with just the 2 of us at a wonderful location!  

have i let my mind wander?  oh! we are just happy to get any time alone together!  we still have fun.....we still love each other....and better yet, we still love each other!  best of all, we still make each other laugh.

ahhhhh romance!  gotta love those moments.  they do matter.  it's like recharging a phone for a good connection...we need a charge too.
in no time, we were back. .... to reality. we saw lightning and heard some thunder.  we took our sweet, smelly, set dogs to the car and let them jump in...thankfully we had the newly cleaned mats in.  we called the kids to say we'd be home.  we decided to make a quick stop at stop and shop.

ahhh romance! that's when we know that we're living on the edge!  woohoo!  livin' and lovin' in aisle 7, peanut butter!  we thought we would get a movie and ended up with the week's groceries.  i have to admit, we had a lot of fun!  we had done so much during the day, we were sure we wanted to stay in with a movie...but stop and shop!  that was a bonus date!

and what did we is's barbeque season...even though we love barbeque all day long.....this is the fun part!

and who could resist?

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